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Daniel Cevallo Andrade

Daniel Cevallos Andrade Ecuador USA

Architect, MSc in Architectural Communication by Technical Superior School of Architecture of Madrid,  multidisciplinary artist, research, musician, and co-founder of Temporary Atmospheres, interactive architecture, and digital art studio based in NYC & UIO, His works have been presented in many  international exhibitions, conferences, awards, and academic journals such as Queens-Museum 2018, Shenzhen Bi-City Biennale 2019, ArsElectronica 2020, Lightbox Creative Code Festival, Contemporary  Venice 2021, Digital Art Month Paris, MMMAD Festival, MAB 2021 Amsterdam.

Currently lead artist of Temporary Atmospheres, research, experimental and artistic lab, focused on the intersection of new technologies with human interaction, raising awareness of the danger and the potential to the implementation thereof in the hyper-city.


After covid-19 the side effects of burnout societies have accelerated the consequences of fragmented communities that emphasize their quotidian lives overlapping the idea of being different and superstars taking advantage of anesthetized citizens that have succumbed to the  excessive use of the internet and technology altering the production of hormones and neuromodulators in their brains that have modified their behaviors, thanks to the use of generative algorithms Daniel Cevallos Andrade has recreated sensations and features of each one, showing how easy could algorithms access inside and beyond an anesthetized contemporary minds.

Con la propuesta de transformar el arte en un bien necesario para el desarrollo cultural como la economía. Proponemos crear una comunidad de amantes del arte y artista con la invitación a los participantes a ser parte del universo digital mediante la valorización con NFT y la posterior difusión del arte para su potencial comercialización.  Las actividades de convocatoria se darán mediante diferentes soportes que promulguen el arte como principal objetivo de divulgación de la cultura. VORMUND presenta la primera exposición de formatos gigantes con realidad aumentada en nuestros cerramientos.

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